The SetList Program allows you to search through the Grateful Dead's setlists for shows between 1965 and 1995. It also allows users to comment-on and share their experiences for each show. Find a show you've attended, and leave some comments for other users!

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1 Show Found

Ivar Theater - Los Angeles, CA

Set 1:
On The Road Again
Next Time You See Me
I Know You Rider
Hey Little One
Cold Rain And Snow
King Bee
Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)

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A wonderful show that's over looked. I am a big fan of early dead, to me it's what matters most. The only problem is the mix, Pig's organ is high in the mix which seems to date the music, but nevertheless, it's important music.

I'm only 13 and I listen to the dead. I can't consider myself a deadhead, though. I listen to a lot of dead shows from I listened to this and it was great.
-Anonymous (03/31/2007)

wrong venue
- (12/01/2008)

I love pig and when he plays the organ that's even better.

This show is fun and a great example of early 66. I love the 2track separation with vocals in one channel and music in the other.
-Anonymous (06/01/2010)

this show was on gdradio, also features Good Morning little school girl>You Don't Love Me>Good Morning Little School Girl
-Kevin (09/05/2010)

This is a cool early performance of the Dead. First live version of "Cold Rain & Snow," according to Dodd.

Please check out my blog as I make may way through each Dead and Jerry recording available, in order!
- (10/29/2011)

First Next Time You See Me(and Cold rain,but someone already mentioned that)
-quadlibetfortenderfeet (04/25/2014)

The Caution appears on Rare Cuts And Oddities and it's dated 12 March 1966, not 25 February.
- (04/04/2016)

"I'm only 13 and I listen to the dead. I can't consider myself a deadhead, though. I listen to a lot of dead shows from I listened to this and it was great."

So how do you feel about this music (all GD) at 28?

-bossgobbler (12/16/2022)

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Band Configuration
(12/04/65 - 09/24/67)

Lead Guitar: Jerry Garcia
Rhythm Guitar: Bob Weir
Bass: Phil Lesh
Keyboards: Ron "Pigpen" McKernan
Drums: Bill Kreutzmann

Note: Band configuration is across specified time period. Configuration for particular show may have differed.

The SetList Program is Copyright © 1996-2025 Madhu Lundquist. Band configurations compliments of .
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