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Fillmore West - San Francisco, CA

The setlist for this show is unknown. If you have a setlist for 1969-02-19, please add setlist or e-mail It.

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Disc 1
Track 1. Lovelight
Track 2. Not Fade Away
Track 3. Lovelight
Track 4. Stage Banter
Track 5. Chanting

Disc 2
Track 1. Jam
Track 2. The Main Ten
Track 3. Jam
Track 4. The Other One Jam (17.7MB)
-Anonymous (12/29/2009)

Celestial Synapse 1969 [no label, 2CD]
Live at Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA, February 19, 1969. Good to very good soundboard.

As all Deadheads know, as a jamming band, The Grateful Dead are capable of playing some of the most melodious jams

ever. So fans can sit back and chill out to the jams on Disc Two. But before that, as Dead shows go, with its chanting on

Disc One, this can be considered to be part of a “very unique weird psychedelic jam set”.

Though this show has circulated as June 19, 1968 at the Carousel, as Tom Shyman explained when he shared the lossless

tracks on the Dime site, this is actually the Celestial Synapse at the Fillmore West on February 19, 1969. The following are

notes provided by Shyman:

From Mike Dolgushkin:
The show that circulates as 6/19/68 is misdated. It’s actually 2/19/69 - the Celestial Synapse at the Fillmore West. I

listened to it not long ago and thought “no way this is June of ‘68.” It sounded real close in time to the Live Dead stuff, and

you can hear TC [keyboardist Tom Constanten] poking out of the murk from time to time. Plus, it includes both Not Fade

Away and The Main Ten, which started appearing on a more/less regular basis in April of ‘69.

What clinched the date was reading the Rolling Stone review of the Celestial Synapse in the booklet that came with the

Fillmore box set. It describes everybody in the Fillmore getting naked and crazy at about two in the morning, among them

Don McCoy from Olompali, who took the stage and started rapping. Bill Graham had to keep the security people from

pulling him off. Anyway, on this tape, after Lovelight, you hear a bunch of whooping and hollering, after which someone

gets on stage and announces “Hi, my name’s Don McCoy.” Apparently the date that’s written on the vault copy is hard to

read; Dick originally thought it said 8/29/68. Another mystery solved. Tell your friends!”

From Eric C (not exact wording)”
John Cipollina is on this! Listen to mid way thru the jam and you can hear his guitar come out of the murk for a few minutes.

Notes that originally accompanied the tracks:

This is a very strange show. The start of Lovelight is clipped, with the recording improving from what is a ragged condition

at first. The sound system has technical difficulties, with an intermittent buzz during portions of Lovelight from a bad

electrical connection. There is some minor static at 9:30 of the first track. The vocals are very low in the mix, and difficulties

with the sound system might explain a lack of singing during the second set, though the jams are very inspired. The

recording includes a group chant between sets, which may include members of the band, crowd, a woman who sounds like

Grace Slick, a child, an imposter-drummer, security etc.
-Anonymous (12/29/2009)

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Band Configuration
(11/23/68 - 01/24/70)

Lead Guitar: Jerry Garcia
Rhythm Guitar: Bob Weir
Bass: Phil Lesh
Keyboards: Ron "Pigpen" McKernan
Keyboard: Tom Constanten
Drums: Bill Kreutzmann
Drums: Mickey Hart

Note: Band configuration is across specified time period. Configuration for particular show may have differed.

The SetList Program is Copyright © 1996-2025 Madhu Lundquist. Band configurations compliments of .
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