The SetList Program allows you to search through the Grateful Dead's setlists for shows between 1965 and 1995. It also allows users to comment-on and share their experiences for each show. Find a show you've attended, and leave some comments for other users!

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Middlesex County Community College - Edison, NJ

The setlist for this show is unknown. If you have a setlist for 1970-11-22, please add setlist or e-mail It.

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-Anonymous (01/28/2016)

Bruce Springsteen has written about attending this show. (while he doesn't state this location or date directly, it's the best fit). "In the 1970s I went to a Grateful Dead show at a community college. I watched the crowd swaying and doing its trance-dance thing and I stood very outside of it. To me - sober, nonmystical, only half-hippie, if that, me - they sounded like a not-very-talented bar band. I went home gently mystified. I don't know if the Grateful Dead were great but I know they *did* something great. Years later, when I came to appreciate their subtle musicality, Jerry Garcia's beautifully lyrical guitar playing and the folk purity of their voices, I understood that I'd missed it. They had a unique ability to build community and sometimes, it ain't what you're doing but what what happens while you're doing it that matters." - Born to Run, Simon and Schuster 2016 p. 453
- (06/11/2018)

I was at the show and a version of my story was published in a Relix magazine Jerry Garcia tribute issue. I sat on the grass near the gym with my older 20s friends who were really into in the band. They had seen me play drums in bands and were convinced that I would love the Dead.
We arrived around 3 o’clock on a warm afternoon. I seem to remember the tickets costing Very little maybe like $4.50. There were simple flyers in a record store in new Brunswick I think it was called vintage vinyl. Two older Cadillacs And some guys on Harleys came flying into the campus and onto the grass not too far away kicking up clouds of dust And before they even stopped the doors flew open and some cowboy looking hippie guys tumbled out. Just that blew my mind wow just look at these guys I thought. I had really no idea what was coming. They sure weren’t from New Jersey I’ll tell you that much LOL. We got inside pretty early my friends brought blankets and we put them down on the gymnasium floor and everybody was just kind of relaxed I’m just hanging out with these people and everyone sharing food and wine and what have you. After a while, I got up and walked around and into the locker room area of the gym where all the musicians and some crew were hanging out. I must’ve looked startled because they chuckled at me. I just said hey I don’t mean to disturb you and waved They all smiled and said hi we had a short conversation about how everybody was really looking forward to hearing them play they were friendly and kind. Some sacred herb was shared. I probably could’ve hung out longer with them they were very relaxed and available but I felt like you are supposed to respect musician space before a show. I know that before I play I get into a kind of a game head I don’t really want to talk to people much so I didn’t stay back there very long. Back at the blankets my friends didn’t believe that I was back there hanging out with them I told them I belong around people like that I’m a musician too. It’s been like that my whole life people welcome me maybe they just feel my musician vibe and no I’m not there to form around and act all silly asking for autographs and like that New riders played first, as everyone has reported. Jerry played steel guitar and wow what a sound. As a result of hearing him play the steel I was always perplexed by his sense that he didn’t play well or that he needed another lifetime to learn to play it. It wasn’t even the grateful dead yet and I was changed by the sound and the vibe. Really profoundly moved. So relaxed so chill and casual like they were just hanging out playing for fun not performing really. I remember some of the crewmembers wearing these white jumpsuits up in the bleachers with spotlights.
There was a break in between the bands of course and then the Grateful Dead came out and it was just a musical journey. Acoustic set first then electric. Others are correct mentioning Workingmans Dead songs. I clearly remember Uncle John’s Band and Easy Wind also Cumberland Blues. Not 100% certain but I’d put a good bet on Attics as well. My strongest feeling and memory of the show was it felt very much like Workingmans Dead. Laid back and cowboy even when tearing it up. I’ve chased that sound in live Dead recordings and in my own music ever since. There are some early Portland audience tapes (like 6-3-76) that kinda feels like the Middlesex County College show but Middlesex was more laid back. I am happy to see others talking about being at that show because for years it was not on any lists and some people even said it didn’t happen! It was like a dream.
- (07/09/2020)

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Band Configuration
(01/25/70 - 02/18/71)

Lead Guitar: Jerry Garcia
Rhythm Guitar: Bob Weir
Bass: Phil Lesh
Keyboards: Ron "Pigpen" McKernan
Drums: Bill Kreutzmann
Drums: Mickey Hart

Note: Band configuration is across specified time period. Configuration for particular show may have differed.

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