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Freedom Hall - Louisville, KY

Set 1:
Promised Land
It Must Have Been The Roses
Black Throated Wind
Ramble On Rose
Beat It On Down The Line
Mexicali Blues
Eyes Of The World
China Doll
Around And Around

Set 2:
Loose Lucy
El Paso
Row Jimmy
WRS Prelude
WRS Part 1
Let It Grow
The Other One
It's A Sin
Stella Blue
Big River
Tennessee Jed
Sugar Magnolia

Morning Dew

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Aaaaaah.......My first 74' boot! Despite some sound problems in the beginning, this is a gem of a show! Get the SHNs from

jerry's most poignant lines on "btw". sound problems from promised through the middle of btw. A rockin' "Eyes" and the coolest jam out of "WRS" that i have ever heard. Get it.

How about "it's a sin" between the other one and Stella Blue? It's a sin and a shame they havn't played some more of it.
-Uri Lotan

This is such a great sounding show. Defintiely one to call "tops"
-Sc\ott M Hastings


Second set dripped like fondue... spilling over the crowd with creamy goodness
-Captain Minky

This is known as Phish members Trey and Cactus' favorite dead show.
-rob kane

Can't believe no has mentioned the spectacular encore - 'Morning Dew'. A best of version

From the WRS through the monumental Moring Dew, this show is a Top 10 Pick.
Get it for the rare, but beatiful "It's a Sin Jam", if nothing else. It's short, but oh so sweet.
-Golden Bear

this morning dew makes me cringe. one of the best IMHO..................

First set Eyes>China Doll! The boys didnt' need the 1st set to warm up this night here folk. Note BT Wind, not to be played after 74 until mid 3/16/90.

2nd set also has sunsetting of WRS Suite as well as "It's A Sin" last played 8.28.69 Family Dawg. The boys saved the C&W songs for the end, but the venue is appropriate.
-Perrinswolf (06/18/2007)

Always one of my favorite tapes. The Eyes was just fantastic. My tape had WRS into Eyes, which is incorrect, but it made for a sweet side of a tape. real sweet
-rick (11/14/2007)

Maybe my favorite show, but I wouldnt limit it to just one. And Ill probably change my mind tomorrow anyways. Looking around for a good-sounding board that doesnt mess up the vocals in the first few songs. Does anybody know of one and where I could get it?
-JS (12/07/2007)

HOLY SHIT! This TOO is off the charts. It's just sick. The best one I've heard and it's only second to 9/17/72 in the The Other One Hall Of Fame.

-Steve (05/31/2008)

35 years ago today, one of the greatest shows the boys ever played, in my top 5. Highlights:

Set 1:
Eyes >
China Doll

Set 2:
Let It Grow >
The Other One >
It's A Sin>
Stella Blue (this whole sequence is scorching)

Morning Dew (hair-raising)

Paradoxically, some of their tightest and most exploratory playing in the magical summer of '74 is here. Do yourself a favor. Download this show now. Then pass it on to a friend.
-Ed (06/18/2009)

how do you not play BTW for 16 years....
-steve (06/30/2009)

Crispy, clean SBD mp3 @ 256kbps...

All better now...
-Anonymous (12/16/2009)

This show has so many highlights its hard to pick a few. The WRS is my all time favorite and the Morning Deew is incredible.
But what makes this show special is the fact that it is tight from beginning to end. This show is the epitome of the mind meld at its finest!
Other faves are the Loser in the first set (Jerry's guitar makes you want to cry) and the "Around & Around". It's an incredible version of a tune that Keith absolutely rocks out on. This version makes me understand why he fit the band.

-Tim (03/08/2011)

Best Eyes ever. Listen to to in detail. One reason it is so good is that has a combination of Wall of Sound, Legion of Mary and Blues for Allah.

A Perfect Storm.
-rick (04/06/2012)

Just listened to this show this morning and I always get a kick out of Jerry alluding to "My Old Kentucky Home" during his solo on Beat it on Down the Line. He tries to go there and it's not quite there but then he gets it and references it perfectly.
-labirdsfan (08/17/2012)

Agreed with all: one of the most incredible song arcs from an amazing year: WRS-->OO-->Sin--> Stella Blue. I listened to this one so much that my tape eventually fell apart; wonderful to have it again in clear digital sound.
-Grateful Fred (01/10/2013)

First bootleg from '74! Best boot ever!
-Kinasi (05/07/2016)

Here's what I did after being pissed at the sound issues in set 1.

I created a 3 disc playlist which goes:

Disc 1: 2nd set
1. Loose Lucy
2. El Paso
3. Row Jimmy
First set
4. Eyes Of The World
5. China Doll
6. Around And Around

Disc 2: 2nd set
1. Weather Report Suite
2. The Other One
3. It's A Sin
4. Stella Blue
5. Big River

Disc 3: 2nd set
1. Tennessee Jed
2. Sugar Magnolia
3. Morning Dew

There. Now you have a better show even if it's incomplete.
-will (10/02/2016)

As arranged on Road Trips release:

Disc 2

Loose Lucy 5:35
Eyes of the World 14:27
China Doll 6:03
Weather Report Suite 16:19
Jam 9:29
The Other One 15:47
It's A Sin Jam 3:18
Stella Blue 8:28

Bonus Disc

Morning Dew 13:07
Around and Around 5:29
Sugar Magnolia 9:30

-Bookkeeper (12/24/2018)

Just heard the version of LOSER this am on Sirius Radio--OFF THE CHARTS!!
-Billy Sunday (01/17/2020)

Got this boot when I was like 10 from my buddy�s older brother.I remember listening to it while we were building a treehouse we called �the club house�. The tape deck hung on a nail on the tree. We listened to the Eyes over and over again.
-Anonymous (08/21/2020)

... thank you Sirius for sharing the 6/18/1974 Louisville, KY show with us today for the 12:00 Noon Hour ...

iko iko forever & a day �

-tyedyetom (12/23/2020)

This was my second show ,was sitting on the floor in the front row, right in front of Jerry, I remember it like it was yesterday, my friends and I were doing strawberry mes, wow what a show, the sound was incredible, they even had a belly dancer dancing in the background.
-Patrick Young (04/27/2021)

if you ever wanna know how GOOD Keith really was, check out "El Paso"; WOW!!!!
-THEOTHR1 (12/17/2021)

Love the show,
its 74 jamming,
but the placement of It's a Sin kinda throws me
-49 (01/06/2022)

... ah >>>> Jerry just purrrrrrrrrrrs out 'China Doll".
melts my Heart... We ALL Miss you deeply.....
iko iko LIVES ON!
-Anonymous (01/17/2022)

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Band Configuration
(07/16/72 - 10/19/74)

Lead Guitar: Jerry Garcia
Rhythm Guitar: Bob Weir
Bass: Phil Lesh
Keyboards: Keith Godchaux
Drums: Bill Kreutzmann
Backup Vocals: Donna Godchaux

Note: Band configuration is across specified time period. Configuration for particular show may have differed.

The SetList Program is Copyright © 1996-2025 Madhu Lundquist. Band configurations compliments of Jeremy Lach.
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