The SetList Program allows you to search through the Grateful Dead's setlists for shows between 1965 and 1995. It also allows users to comment-on and share their experiences for each show. Find a show you've attended, and leave some comments for other users!

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1 Show Found

Loyola College - Chicago, IL

Set 1:
Winin' Boy Blues
Tom Dooley
This Time Forever
Deep Elem Blues
KC Moan
Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Big Boy Pete
Dark Hollow
Oh Boy

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is this GD? The setlist looks weird. i'd luv to hear it tho, pleeze email me re. a trade, if you have it

This show was billed as Bob Weir and Friends with Weir, Garcia, Lesh and Hunter. This time forever is a Weir/Barlow tune

missing the k.c. Moan after deep elem

just got a copy of this sweet and tasty little acoustic show!
a very eclectic mix of songs but the feeling is as if the dead were just sitting around your living room pickin' and having fun.
november of '78 certainly was an exciting time for chicago deadheads...3 hot shows at the uptown plus this added little acoustic bonus show at Loyola U!

This show is Bobby, Jerry, Phil, and Mickey, NOT Bobby, Jerry, Phil, and Hunter as mentioned in a previous comment.


My lineage does have the K.C. Moan. Happy to B&P - just drop me a line!

here is the actual band
as per

1.whinin boy blues*
2.tom dooley
3.this time forever
4.deep elm#
5.kc moan
6.heavens door
7.big boy pete
9.dark hollow
10.oh boy

*jerry sits in whole show
#mickey sits in rest of show

the band:
bob weir-guitar, vocals
bobby cochran-guitar , vocals
rich carlos-bass
john maucer-drums

you can tell this is not phil. none of the lines played are even remotely indicative of phils playing.

Deep Elem Blues-last played 12.28.70

go here for pics of this awesome show
-anonymous (11/19/2008)

I have a soundboard copy of this show for anybody interested. This show is one of the better acoustic shows I've heard the boys do. As a poster earlier said this would be like some of your friends show up and play a set in your living room with some friends.
- (02/18/2009)

The posts above claiming Phil didn't play bass for this show are incorrect, as evidenced by the photos taken:
-bl002e (01/05/2015)

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Band Configuration
(10/20/74 - 02/17/79)

Lead Guitar: Jerry Garcia
Rhythm Guitar: Bob Weir
Bass: Phil Lesh
Keyboards: Keith Godchaux
Drums: Bill Kreutzmann
Drums: Mickey Hart
Backup Vocals: Donna Godchaux

Note: Band configuration is across specified time period. Configuration for particular show may have differed.

The SetList Program is Copyright © 1996-2025 Madhu Lundquist. Band configurations compliments of .
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