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1 Show Found

Berkeley Community Theater - Berkeley, CA

Set 1:
Mississippi Half-Step
El Paso
Row Jimmy
My Brother Esau
Cumberland Blues
Desolation Row
Ramble On Rose
Let It Grow

Set 2:
Touch Of Grey
Estimated Prophet
Eyes Of The World
Maybe You Know How I Feel
Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad
Morning Dew
Around And Around
Not Fade Away

Not Fade Away
Don't Ease Me In

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No real drums at this show, which was a shame, as Billy Cobham appeared on stage with the drummers. Brent insisted on playing his blues tune, and you could see Kruetzman doing a slow burn behind his drum set. Great GDTRFB and Morning Dew right afterwards

this show is want-able because of brent's blues tune. only time it was ever played, and apparently he really bares his raw soul on it

is it me...or does brent seemed really intoxicated or screwed up this show. listen to the Maybe You Know.
-rob kane

unfortunately maybe you know was played three times


Brent IS really drunk through this show. He botches the chords of his song, and stayed out front when they were going to play drumz. Furthermore he misses a lot of lyrics, and I wouldn't really say he bares his soul. More like he shows how much he drank that night.

After Maybe You Know, Jerry ran out and immediately launched into GDTRFB. He saved the show that night.

The night after this is a pretty solid show. This ome is only worth hving for the novelty of it...

unfortunately, it was played 6 times.

Brent was hammered this night. It was one of his alcoholic rock bottoms. He had a lot of his personal problems in his life and love life come to a head in the days before this show, and he loses it during Maybe You Know. His emotions get the very best of him.

Jerry coming out and saving his friend with Going Down The Road is as touching a moment as you'll find in live music.

- (06/27/2007)

What makes you believe it was alcohol? To me it sounds more like drug use (there probably was alcohol as well). I've got fucked drunk before and my voice never sounded like that.
-Steve (04/03/2008)

Brents blood alcohol content was approximately a 5.0 for this one.
-Anonymous (04/27/2008)

Forget about Brent at this show. I can only imagine how messed Jerry was at this show. His blood sugar must have been through the roof. He was full blown diabetic at this time, its amazing he was able to keep his chops together in '86. Probably my least favorite year ever, along with '84.
-kevin (05/22/2009)

unfortunately, it was played 9 timed.
-Anonymous (10/18/2011)

According to this site it was only played 6 times. This was fortunately the last of the 6.

Brent was definately F'd up in the second set and struggled to sing coherently, but he still pretty darn good on keys.
-JPSanta (05/07/2014)

I am hearing that it was played 12 times, unfortunately.
- (08/17/2016)

Unfortunately is was played 15 times.
-Bumble (03/01/2018)

Really hate to break it to you guys but it was actually played 37 times
-Brent (04/27/2019)

Actually, it was never really played at all...

- (03/11/2021)

Music plays the band, folks... Maybe You Know played the Grateful Dead 6 times over the years.
-Just Exactly Perfect Band (04/13/2021)

Wow. I read these comments before listening and now I understand all the scuttlebutt about Brent's blues tune. What a freaking disaster. He's a mess. Then you hear Jer kick into GDTRFB and he totally saves the set. RIP to both of those gentlemen.
-Anonymous (10/04/2021)

They played this show on Sirius XM yesterday afternoon. I got in the car during Maybe You Know How I Feel. I hadn’t heard that song ever. Immediately thought “wow, Brent sounds messed up!” And then I read these comments to find out I am not alone in that sentiment..

Everything was made sweeter when Jerry launched into GDTRB and even more so when the haunting opening chords of Morning Dew came crashing down! Wow!
-Stagger Lee (10/10/2021)

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Band Configuration
(04/16/79 - 07/23/90)

Lead Guitar: Jerry Garcia
Rhythm Guitar: Bob Weir
Bass: Phil Lesh
Keyboards: Brent Mydland
Drums: Bill Kreutzmann
Drums: Mickey Hart

Note: Band configuration is across specified time period. Configuration for particular show may have differed.

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