The SetList Program allows you to search through the Grateful Dead's setlists for shows between 1965 and 1995. It also allows users to comment-on and share their experiences for each show. Find a show you've attended, and leave some comments for other users!

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1 Show Found

Madison Square Garden - New York City, NY

Set 1:
Hell In A Bucket
Walkin' Blues
When I Paint My Masterpiece
Bird Song

Set 2:
Shakedown Street
Man Smart-Woman Smarter
Terrapin Station
Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad
All Along The Watchtower
Morning Dew
Good Lovin'
La Bamba
Good Lovin'

Knockin' On Heaven's Door

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This show destroys the rumor that 87 was a year of playing it safe!

Any of these 4 shows of 87 where they played La Bamba would be an awesome Dick's Picks!!!


I need this show on cd please Help. Ill trade

This show is unreal..It was my first show that I fell in love with the dead..
Best woman are smarter ever!! and Terrapin..WOW..can't say enough
I have a few different copies of this show. AND they are very crisp.In Deadbase X it says that a copy of the first set can't be found without static in Bucket.Well I have the entire show, crisp..
Anyone that wants to trade..LEt meknow

The second set is a must for all hard core Heads if you don't have it! Easily my favourite post drums playing that I saw live out of 98 shows. GDTRFB was very solid, Watchtower totally rocked out, and Morning Dew was so over the top it brought chills and does ever time I play the tape. I remember looking at my brother in disbelief as Jerry and the band went into the final cresendo of Dew and the crowd went totally beserk near the soundboard several times! This was the stuff that made them the greatest band ever! After I play the rest of the show I always shake my head, savour the memory and never put anything else on for another day.

Keep an eye out for this one as i'm uploading the entire show to the mp3 section of GDlive. It's on it's way...

roadtripped down to this show from rpi....the morning dew was amazing... craig hit the nail on the head everyone there had to have gotten chills that night - and quick as soon as the first notes of morning dew reverberated thru the garden and thru all of our minds!

looking "high and low" forthis complete show

You can listen to this show at

SWWEEEET show if any one needs it i got it in SHN/cdr ( and all the other shows they play La Bamba at)any one need?


Go to for this show and too many others and bands to name here. Get it in SHN, F all the lossey MP3 idiots.
Lates, enjoy the show....

I rememeber the show well. I brought my buddy Eric to this MSG show, a guy that was totally into Billy Joel at that time. We had seats near the tapers section, and before the concert I told him it's too bad he couldn't have come with to 77/78 concert, as I thought that was their best period ever. As it was, this show totally rocked, the 2nd set was off the hook, and I will never ever forget the adrenaline running thru the crowd that night. After the show, my buddy Eric was just blown away, went to his car and threw out all his Billy Joel tapes, and was converted from that night forward.
-David - NYC

Morning Dew is my favorite of the 80's. Loe the way Jerry flubs the solo but makes it up andmore towards the end.

This show is one for the ages, the Dead were on fire the entire night. The first set is often overlooked because of the monster second set goodies. Waliking Blues hadn't been overplayed yet so it was a real treat.. The Candyman is a classic rendition. If the Dead had come out and performed a lackluster secomd set, this show would still be memorable for the Birdsong. Strange, violent and intemse, I've never heard a Birdsong quite like this one. 9/18/87 is my favorite show I ever saw and quite possibly on of the 10 best dead shows ever. If you don't have this show GET IT!!!! You need this one
- (05/04/2007)

My favorite show out of my 115 between july 86-june 90.
-ray (05/09/2009)

Get it now SBD style in 2 parts from Rapidshare. Enjoy...
-Krafty (11/18/2009)

This show, along with 10/15/83 and 6/30/85 are the best shows of the 80s in my opinion. I used to think that the 1960's and 1970's were the only decades worth listening to when it came to the Grateful Dead, but now I reach for shows from the '80s and '90s more often than the 60's and 70's. The shows were recorded in better quality, the setlists were more varied, and the boys had been playing together for a long time. Sure there are some really big nadirs during the 80's and 90's, but there are some incredible high points as well. The "Morning Dew" from this show is the greatest version of the song ever played , hands down. Despite Jerry repeating a verse, the energy he uncorks during the final solo is feverish, intense, and spell-binding. In other areas of the show the opening trifecta of "Hell in a Bucket>Sugaree>Walkin' Blues" sets the stage perfectly, "Terrapin Station" is elegant and stately, and "GDTRFB" and "All Along the Watchtower" rock as hard as the Dead ever got. And you can't not smile when Jerry goes into "La Bamba" during "Good Lovin'" Get this show now!
- (08/08/2010)

Hottest Dew ever. I remember it well. I thought Garcia was having a heart attack when he screamed out "Guess it doesn't matter..." right before psychotic jam. Last great moment of my Dead show days.
-Phil (04/29/2011)

Being only 17 Years old I never got to experience a true dead show but can kinda imagine what they were like after attending a couple furthur shows, this is probably my favorite show, with the mix of a phenomenal setlist and a roaring crowd this is one of the best shows I've herd. When the crowd cheers wildly when Jerry just kills it on terrapin sugaree morning dew and watchtower, It gives the show so much energy and you can tell the band loves it, easily my favorite version of morning dew that I've herd
- (05/23/2011)

This Dew is really unique in the way it shows the pure love Garcia shows for the Garden heads with the passion in his performance, particularly the vocals and the way the heads reflect that back to him during the song. It is really amazing. As much as any performance I have heard, live or on tape, this really captures the relationship Jerry and the Dead had with their audience. There was really nothing like it and every time I hear it I miss it so, but I feel very lucky to have participated in this relationship while I had the chance.
- (11/29/2011)

That 'Tons of Steel' Brentsong missing from the playlist here and on archive.
- (02/02/2012)

If you think Jerry's energy comes through in the aud, try checking this Dew out on YouTube. Face? Stolen.

- (05/03/2012)

I always thought that I was "Johnny come lately" as far as dead shows went and all of the great shows happened in the 60's & 70's and had to have been on the west coast. I thought this was a geat performance and setlist when I saw it live. In retrospect this was probably them at their best! It was a high energy and very fun night , I think every single person in MSG was dancing by Shakedown! As a bonus I saw Pink Floyd start their tour at JFK in Philly the next day! The only show of the tourp they opened w/ Echoes! What a time!!!!
- (02/25/2013)

Great Bird Song to go along with the amazing Dew.
-Anonymous (09/24/2013)

Will be officially released on 30 Trips Around The Sun Box (SEPT 2015)
-M C (06/10/2015)

I remember feeling a little let down by the first set and then The first chords of Shakedown changed the entire mood of the arena and the show took off from there.
- (02/17/2017)

This is my favorite Morning Dew ever.
- (04/15/2020)

This is my favorite Morning Dew. Just gut wrenchingly beautiful!
-Grateful Dan (09/18/2021)

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Band Configuration
(04/16/79 - 07/23/90)

Lead Guitar: Jerry Garcia
Rhythm Guitar: Bob Weir
Bass: Phil Lesh
Keyboards: Brent Mydland
Drums: Bill Kreutzmann
Drums: Mickey Hart

Note: Band configuration is across specified time period. Configuration for particular show may have differed.

The SetList Program is Copyright © 1996-2025 Madhu Lundquist. Band configurations compliments of .
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