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Oakland Coliseum Arena - Oakland, CA

Set 1:
Sugar Magnolia
Touch Of Grey
Man Smart-Woman Smarter
Big Boss Man
Stuck Inside Of Mobile
Shakedown Street

Set 2:
Iko Iko
Victim Or The Crime
Dark Star
Dear Mr. Fantasy
Hey Jude Reprise
Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad
Throwin' Stones
Not Fade Away

Set 3:
Brokedown Palace
Sunshine Daydream

Midnight Hour

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my first show age 6. After hearing the tape everything came back from the way it came around...

Bonnie Raite played on Big Boss Man. She opened that night. Hot slide. She gave Jerry a big kiss on the cheek before she left the stage.

This New Year's show was ok, but it had a touch of the "cool thing to do in San Fran" that night, and felt less like a Dead show, but maybe I'm being picky.. Bill Graham came sailing down on a big disco ball and threw roses to the crowd. The tapers were furiously popping balloons after midnight struck which was pretty funny. The Dark Star was ok, but I had seen the one in NJ thrid row Phil side, so like I said, this one was ok. The really cool part was the transition from victim into dark star, it was weird, like they were playing the first notes to DS backward then forward.


1st New Years show on the west coast for me, had tix for the full set of shows and people passing out 1998/1999 days since last dark star (ironic). I also remember a fiddling/picking band opened the evening--pretty cool, followed by Bonnie Raite. Jerry and the boys came out and blew us all away. Great time was had by all!
-kent (10/02/2010)

We had fun at this show! Fav seats at the Coliseum -- top row next to the press box, so plenty of room to dance! Our friend Tom got there late, had to take behind-the-stage seats. He was rewarded after midnight when this drunk dude stumbled in and sat down. It was Bill Graham, stinkin' drunk from his perilous journey. Can't remember, was this the chicken or egg, or was that the next Mardi Gras?
I loved Cal Expo and Shoreline best, but the Oakland Coliseum was a good place to be when there was weather.
Happy 2012, everybody!
I would have listened to the Furthur show, but seems like Sirius Radio blew that one!
- (01/01/2012)

Gotta Agree with jds, this show was ok. The previous three nights were far more energetic. They all sounded tired and strung out. The Shakedown set closer was nice though. Interesting how that was the last tune "officially" played in the 80's. The Victim devolution into DS had an evil vibe to it, but the DS itself never really seemed to take off as the previous '89 stars did. More mellow and conducive to the feeling of the whole show. There was a temporary pause between Throwin Stones and NFA that seemed to sound like they couldn't remember which set closer they hadn't played yet. The Brokedown was probably the highest point the music ever reached, with Jerry really belting out his last drops of energy. The Midnight Hour was in and out. Guess this NYE event was more party then music, but it was new years, so i'm not surprised. Musta been a hell of a party though. The tape i have sounds like the audience was just ragin their asses off.
-Murphy (05/31/2014)

I never found a ticket for this night, but before the show, I was almost trampled by a stampeding mob that was rushing the coliseum. I ran to keep from getting trampled, and when i got to the glass, the door in front of me opened! Me and 10 hippies squeezed through the door all at once. I remember popping through and sliding on the concourse floor and couldnt believe two seconds earlier I was milling around the lot with a finger in the air. Not my proudest moment, but i was actually running scared at the time. My only new years show. Dancing in a swarm of colored balloons was incredibly surreal.
-Mike c (03/05/2017)

This show is also notable for being the final concert of the opening band New Grass Revival. The Dead were apparently so impressed that they invited New Grass to tour with them, but they had to say, "Sorry, we're breaking up!"
- (12/13/2021)

... I could not believe Jerry & the Band chose IKO IKO to start off the Decade of the 90"s ...

WE hit the last six New Years shows (86-91) in Oakland & were lucky to have gotten tix thru the old index card mail in request & the USPS.

iko iko till the END OF Time....
- (12/28/2021)

... thanks Sirius for the flashback tonite on the 9PM show ....

They tell me I'm too young to understand,
They say I'm caught up in a dream,
Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes,
Well that's fine by me, cause Deadheads will live FOREVER!

-Anonymous (12/28/2021)

Appropriate that Bob makes the "new dickhead.... err decade" quip right before the dickhead subjected all of us in the audience to Victim or the Crime. Whenever he sings the line "Is there anyone but me who needs to know?", I have an involuntary response of "No."
-Anonymous (12/28/2022)

12/31/89 i was there, close to the stage. the victim/dark star was major trip factor.
- (02/03/2023)

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Band Configuration
(04/16/79 - 07/23/90)

Lead Guitar: Jerry Garcia
Rhythm Guitar: Bob Weir
Bass: Phil Lesh
Keyboards: Brent Mydland
Drums: Bill Kreutzmann
Drums: Mickey Hart

Note: Band configuration is across specified time period. Configuration for particular show may have differed.

The SetList Program is Copyright © 1996-2025 Madhu Lundquist. Band configurations compliments of .
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