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Boston Garden - Boston, MA

Set 1:
Jack Straw
Cold Rain And Snow
Wang Dang Doodle
Mexicali Blues
Cumberland Blues
Picasso Moon
Box Of Rain

Set 2:
Dark Star
Saint Of Circumstance
Eyes Of The World
The Other One
Dark Star
Attics Of My Life
Good Lovin'

Brokedown Palace
And We Bid You Goodnight

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The second set of this show has achieved legendary status, at least to all the people I know that were there that wonderful evening! The 6th show of 6 wonderful nights in the Historic Boston Garden, it definatly finished the tour on a special note. Every song in the second set, except Saint, was 1973 or earlier. Both verses of Dark Star, Attics, Good Lovin', Other One, Brokedown, and And We Bid You Goodnight. And all of those versions were mindblowing! The And We Bid You Goodnight was especially tasty as everyone though Brokedown was it. Plus at the end of the song, Phil blew a kiss to the crowd, Bobby took a bow, and Jerry waved to the audience. All of these brought huge responses from the crowd. I was first row in the balcony for the entire show and during Good Lovin', I was actually feeling the Balcony move! Just an unforgettable night.

this show did not finish the tour

Very fun first set. besides Eyes and other one, the second set was awful.18 yr anniversary to the war memorial show in 73... peace


Oh yeah this was my all time before and after show. The acid was strong but the show was stronger. I never wanted this one to end. Phil stepping out at the end of the first set with Box of Rain was soothing and inspiring. The second set was truly a gift of music. The Jack Straw was ripping with Bruce. The Attics was heartfelt. The balconey was indeed shaking. I know this show ripped, I know that Boston ripped that night and the previous five nights as well. The band knew and so did we!

I was at this show and this is one of my favorites, it ranks in my top 5. The first set even though it was short, rocked big time. They came out smokin' only to cool things with an absolutely sweet Candyman, they then picked up the tempo again to end the set with a powerful Box Of Rain. If I had to pick a song from the set I liked best it would be Mexicali -> Cumberland. I danced my ass off and still do when I listen to it now. The second set was a treat! They never did the second verse to Dark Star on the 24th so to hear both verses was real nice. Eyes was the only disapointment for me in the set, because it fizzled so fast in the end, Jerry must have been tired, no jam in to drums. Post space was mind blowing, so spacey and beautiful playing throughout. Good Lovin' was so hot the whole building was shaking. You could see the balcony sway, wow the Garden was a great place. The encores were sweet, the band knew they played six great shows and gave us a great send off. Over the 6 nights they played like 100 songs and only repeated about 5 songs. I need a Way Back Machine, Sherman and Mr. Peabody where are you two.

nick, you are out of your dang mind if you think the second set was "awful".

honestly, its one of the best sets ive ever heard. top 5 for sure. lets see, we OPEN with a jammed out "dark star", then a nice "saint" and "eyes" before drums/space, and out of the haze comes a hot "other one" with the band energized and bruce and jerry trading chops and feeding off eachother bringing the band to a frenzy and then wham!! back into a short "dark star" reprise and back to earth with a gorgeous "attics". the "good lovin" was a nice way to end the set and then the double encore with "we bid you goodnight" is honestly more than you could really even HOPE for.

quite honestly, its a dream setlist and it was played as such. one of the best shows ive ever heard REGARDLESS of era.
in fact, those that think 70's dead was the best should give this a listen.
-gdjake (08/29/2007)

Second set, as mentioned, is awesome. First set fans check out this Cumberland Blues. Hornsby is pounding the hell out of the keys and Jer follows right along.
-dave (10/28/2008)

does this ring a bell for anyone hanging out after the show? "Noooooooo,take me!"
-jonny m. (02/05/2009)

I'm well aware that this is just a massive coincidence, but I just want to throw this out there. Does anyone else find it eerie how this is not only the last And We Bid You Goodnight, it also happens to be the last song, of the last show before Bill Graham Died? Think about how creepy that is.

We Bid You Goodnight was played at the Last show before the '75 Hiatus and the Last show at Winterland. Both Bill Graham Promoted. Then they play at the last show before Graham died and never played it again. It's like AWBYG was a signal of the end of Eras. Like I said, I'm well aware of the coincidental nature of this observation, but it still creeps me the f**k out
-Murphy (08/15/2014)

Murphy is right. The GD knew Uncle Bobo was checking out. They were behind the crash. Thanks Murph.
-stagger lee (04/18/2015)

Nah man, It was Pigpen's ghost. He killed Brent the year before and then came back for uncle bobo in
'91. It's a conspiracy i tell ya, PIGPEN STRIKES AGAIN!!!!
-Murphy (02/26/2016)

I was at this show. 42 others as well. This is # 1. My friends in the balcony and I spent the set break talking about how terrific the 1st set was and what a great choice of songs the boys gave us and as it was we could go home happy.

The 2nd set was the kind of thing I'd dreamed about my entire Dead "career". When the band kicked into the first few notes the energy was so intense I thought the roof was going to blow right off the Garden. The only other time I ever felt anything like it was on the '83 tour in Hartford when they gave us St. Stephen.

- (03/13/2016)

This band was a corpse by 1991. A slow death beginning in 1979 when Donna & Keith departed and Brent brought along his rough voice and toy organ. No patience on stage, no nimble jamming, both a la 1972-1974, and no creativity or song diversity a la 1976-77. All around sh*t show from 1985-1995.
- (11/25/2021)

An old head who was tour vet since 1983 told me this was one of his favorite shows. He said people poured out of the Boston Garden just screaming with euphoria as they exited.
-Anonymous (08/27/2022)

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Band Configuration
(09/15/90 - 03/24/92)

Lead Guitar: Jerry Garcia
Rhythm Guitar: Bob Weir
Bass: Phil Lesh
Keyboards: Vince Welnick
Keyboard: Bruce Hornsby
Drums: Bill Kreutzmann
Drums: Mickey Hart

Note: Band configuration is across specified time period. Configuration for particular show may have differed.

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