The SetList Program allows you to search through the Grateful Dead's setlists for shows between 1965 and 1995. It also allows users to comment-on and share their experiences for each show. Find a show you've attended, and leave some comments for other users!

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1 Show Found

46th Street Rock Palace - Brooklyn, NY

The setlist for this show is unknown. If you have a setlist for 1970-11-12, please add setlist or e-mail It.

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>although you do not list the date, there was a concert at the rock
>palace in brooklyn on thursday november 12, 1970. this may have been
>one of the finest g/d concerts- ever. it was an old lowe's movie
>palace tucked under the el. it was a rainy night and not many people
>showed up, maybe 500 in all. the band experienced technical
>problems and the show started late, nine or maybe nine-fifteen. we
>expected to see the acoustic dead open but the new riders with
>garcia and kreutzmann opened the show and played a rousing set. the
>changeover took place and the dead finally arrived on stage. they
>were introduced by allison steele, the nightbird, and the show
>started. they were awful. mercifully, after two or three songs they
>stopped. weir came to the mike and said. "I broke a few strings,
>It's going to take a while for me to replace them and tune up. So,
>relax and we'll be back." that was ok. we spotted pigpen walking to
>the rear of the theater. two friends of mine, willy and goofy went
>over and started talking to him and soon all three disappeared. the
>time melted away, and pretty soon, maybe an hour later, the band
>started tuning on stage. they were waiting for pigpen. the greasy
>cowboy hat made an appearance on stage left and the audience started
>to cheer. they started to play. they were hot. after the song,
>garcia spoke to the technical staff. he asked them to turn off the
>stage lights and turn up the house lights which the staff did. the
>band lit into another song, blast-off successful. prior to that
>date, i had been to twenty-five g/d concerts. i had seen some good
>ones 2/11 and dead at midnight at the filmore east. a few shows at
>the filmore west, and at port chester. i'd also seen some bad shows,
>woodstock and monterrey pop come to mind plus some others at the
>filmore east. this night they played. starting from eleven with one
>break they played until four am. it was the best show i'd ever seen
>by anyone, bar none. some of the songs, a great love light, st
>stephen, and a show stopping it's a man's world. i wish thirty-five
>years later i could remember more titles but, more importantly, i
>remember the sense of having been apart of and seen something unique
>and special. par
- (06/27/2015)

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Band Configuration
(01/25/70 - 02/18/71)

Lead Guitar: Jerry Garcia
Rhythm Guitar: Bob Weir
Bass: Phil Lesh
Keyboards: Ron "Pigpen" McKernan
Drums: Bill Kreutzmann
Drums: Mickey Hart

Note: Band configuration is across specified time period. Configuration for particular show may have differed.

The SetList Program is Copyright © 1996-2025 Madhu Lundquist. Band configurations compliments of .
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